Monday, May 30, 2011
Springing Some Fun
Our lawn was finally mowed by hubby. I love the smell of grass and our front yard, though far from being manicured, looked really good now just like all our neighbors'. The kids go gaga over the prospect of going out, so while hubby was mowing the grass, Lei biked while Lance pretended to mow as well, rode his scooter and when she got tired of biking Lei decided to go swimming. It was a delightful sight, my little girl swimming right in our front yard. Everybody who passed by would stare and smile at her.
While Lei was swimming outside, Lance got ready for school. I drove him to school, practiced a little, ran errands and we remembered to buy sand for the kids' sand and water table. We bought that table when we first got here but we didn't use it outside and they used to play cars and dinosaurs on it. I don't know why we didn't bring it outside last summer but now it's out and they can finally play sand and water on it. We saw colored sand but they're pricey (10 CAD/bag). The ones that hubby got from the gardening section at Canadian Tire were just 4 CAD/bag. The colors were cute though anyway, Lei played the moment we got home before swimming again. Lance on the other hand was still in school but soon after he arrived home and a quick snack, they both played there.
Now, all I need is good weather, no more rains please! I'm in looove with Spring not much with summer because of too much sun (mosquitoes too!) but as long as the kids are happy playing outdoors I could stand the heat, it's hotter when they throw tantrums anyway :D
Tasty RIBS!
Caldereta |
I cooked Caldereta (Filipino Beef Stew) with a little tweak in the recipe. I learned from my husband's sister in law to use worcestershire and tomato paste. I used to cook it with liver spread and tomato sauce or the easy way by using (Mama Sita's) caldereta mix. This time around I added dried tomatoes, a little peanut butter and some olives. I would have loved to add a little more heat to it but my little girl loves eating rice with the sauce.
Sweet and Sour |
And for our lunch today, I tried the Sweet and Sour pork ribs, my usual favorite when we eat Chinese. It was easy, I just boiled the pork with crushed pineapple, soy sauce, brown sugar and oyster sauce then cooked until tender. That's it, now I don't have to eat out just for that :D
Kids Just Wanna Have Fun
having fun with their magnifying glasses while waiting for daddy |
Here comes the sunshine after the rain. I am still overjoyed over the nice weather, it won't be for long I think, it's going to rain again this week but I hope it won't be as fierce as the last rains. I've been checking out places to bring the kids, the petting zoo and spray park are now open and would surely bring smiles to my kids' faces. When we brought them to the park yesterday they didn't want to leave so it was stressful in the end convincing them that it's time to go home. Bribing didn't work this time :D
happy to be out! |
Sunday, May 29, 2011
There's A New Driver in Town
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this day! The sun is finally out, my grumpiness went away with the rain and this time around, I finally drove with less nervousness, calmer demeanor and confidence. Whew! I did it and I loved every minute of it. My apologies to the other drivers though, patience for new drivers like me :D
Rain, Rain, Go Away!
I felt gloomy, lazy and irritable over the past few days. It has been raining non stop and I was just getting fed up with the weather and was really missing the sun. All I wanted to do was curl up in bed. Good thing is, our heater's back. For the past two weeks without it, we were cold and my hands were numb from washing dishes with ice cold water but it's back so we're back to being warm and cozy in here.
The rain and my negativity were like the worst combo ever. My negativity is more on my (not having) driving abilities. I am so frustrated with myself right now I want to scream. But I gotta have patience on myself, I gotta relax and just practice. Breathe in, breathe out. Practice makes perfect as they say, we'll see.
The sun is out! It's time to embrace positive vibes, be sunny after my grumpy days. I am still too young for menopause, must really be the weather and the driving :D
The rain and my negativity were like the worst combo ever. My negativity is more on my (not having) driving abilities. I am so frustrated with myself right now I want to scream. But I gotta have patience on myself, I gotta relax and just practice. Breathe in, breathe out. Practice makes perfect as they say, we'll see.
The sun is out! It's time to embrace positive vibes, be sunny after my grumpy days. I am still too young for menopause, must really be the weather and the driving :D
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
My Soccer Player
#9 |
Lance just had his first outdoor soccer for this season last Wednesday. I love it when they play outside except for the mosquitoes and it almost rained then but playing outdoors gives the kids a lot more space to run and it somehow gives them the chance to play real soccer in terms of the size of the field and the number of players.
Since Lance really likes soccer, he is serious about it and would really grab the chance to get the ball no matter how many kids are already after the ball. He is very conscious about scoring after each game and he's got the moves. I'm a proud momma once again :D
Back to Busy Mode
vegetable salad with embutido (Filipino style meatloaf) |
After my chores marathon yesterday morning until the early afternoon, I was dying to lie down, power nap and switch on to lazy mode again. But by the time I finished the chores, it was hubby's turn to wake up (he worked the night shift) so I had a late lunch ready, washed the dishes afterwards and prepared vegetable salad for dinner.
There's a bunch of things to do really and I can only nap or take a quick rest if I alienate myself from these chores which I'm getting good at. I only do things that are on top of my priority list and I'm happy to say that I only do things that I want to accomplish that particular day. I am hard working but not to the point of overdoing it. For this simple reason: I am my own boss :D
Monday, May 23, 2011
Kiddie Parties!
Over the weekend, we attended Lance's bestfriend's 6th birthday party. It was actually hubby's birthday too but he was at work so we attended Alex's which was a costume party. Lance came as Commander Cody while Lei dressed up as a ballerina. The kids love wearing costumes and Halloween couldn't have come a lot sooner so thanks again Alex for requesting a costume party.
I would love to have my kids' birthday parties at home too. I would even go out of my way to select a theme and coordinate everything from the food down to the decor and loot bags but both of their birthdays fall on winter making it impossible to have an outdoor party. It would be more fun if it's held outside rather than cooped up inside the house and I could just imagine the noise.
I'm so excited for Lei, she'll be in school starting September. She'll have friends of her own and I'm sure she'll be demanding a party of her own in no time. Lance too is excited for his next birthday which won't be until January. They just couldn't wait so to make it worth waiting, I better come up with something really special for their next birthdays :D
My Little Makers
Lance loves to draw, they are mostly Star Wars characters but he can spend the whole day creating things using various materials and turn it into something really nice. He has been asking me for materials and has been glued to the TV waiting for Mister Maker.
Our house is always a huge mess especially around the kids' corner where their activity table is situated. If Lance likes to draw, Lei likes to doodle and waste paper. She wraps her toys and give them to as gifts. She would draw and write letters, hand them to me and say, "This is for you Mom I love you so much." So cute I know except for the mess but I've come to deal with it and realized that kids are synonymous to mess. When they get older, that would be a different story.
Lately, Lance would express his desire to make something out of different materials just like what he sees on TV. I haven't started recycling those small plastic bottles of yogurt drinks which they can use to create something just like in school. I really have to collect materials which they can use and not rely on buying everything. During my recent trip to Dollarama I picked up this box of pom pom animal making kit which he excitedly opened the moment we got home. He really is one creative boy, I better start gathering materials he requested so he'll have lots do when school ends. My goal is to keep them busy all summer long!
Long Weekend Menu
prior to the week long rains we grilled some ribs |
Since it has been raining these past few days, we haven't had the chance to use the grill again. Too bad because I marinated pork belly, ribs, pork chop and prepared burger patties ahead of time so that we can grill them anytime. So I had to do some quick changes with regards to our menu. After my first driving lesson (yes, it was raining) I took the still frozen milkfish and decided to cook it in tamarind soup with lots of spinach. Easy, delicious and kids love the soup with rice.
milkfish in tamarind soup |
Today is a holiday (Victoria day), kids didn't want me to go driving today and I, on the other hand didn't want noisy kids while I'm trying my best to drive. I got my nerves to deal with, last thing I need are kids in the backseat driving me crazy. So we just had one of those lazy days at home, endless napping, eating and watching TV. While watching Chopped just after the appetizer round, hubby got up and went to the kitchen and prepared sushi using only flavored tuna and cucumber. It was followed with an all meat dinner and more lazying around afterwards.
After my lazy day, with chores piled up, tomorrow is surely going to be a busy day for me. I hope I can still make a delicious meal tomorrow or I wouldn't mind having sushi again :D
pinoy food,
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Surprises and New Beginnings
Canadian Living June issue, page 12 |
Too bad we didn't renew our Canadian Living Magazine subscription especially now that my comment was published on the June issue. So after my dentist's appointment, I went straight to 7-11 to get a copy. Honestly, I couldn't remember anymore what I wrote in there since I wrote a couple of letters so when I opened it to the reader's comments, I was surprised to see our picture published there as well.
The funny thing is, it came as a surprise. Someone informed my husband about it, I was surprised (shocked would more appropriate), triple my husband's surprise and what do you get? Not comprehending the whole situation for a couple of minutes, I kept remembering what it is about which I couldn't due to my hubby's queries. Let's just say, it was a noisy household for a minute or two. Much as I'd like to storm out of the house and get a copy, we first went to my dentist's appointment before buying the magazine.
I didn't plan on buying though but when I saw the picture, I could've bought everything on the stand. It's not an article but who cares? We're on the magazine! I knew it put a smile on my hubby's face and on my children's faces especially and I just couldn't stop smiling too :D
All Geared Up
I have been feeling this sense of accomplishment since last week from the time we got our new work permits. That gave me a whole sense of hope and kind of pulled me into the right direction. It just amazed me how in a span of two days, we were able to accomplish a lot. It's probably because of the long months of waiting and feeling displaced, not to mention stressed with regards to our next move or avoiding the reality of having a back up plan just in case the unexpected happens. I could go on and on about our uncertainties but I am feeling positive these days.
I discovered over the weekend that if I condition myself to do something, actually do it and not just ponder doing it, I will certainly achieve something. In my case, passing the driving exam. So now I have these goals that I want to meet before the year ends. I pray for strength and guidance, I am all psyched up and excited as well!
Hubby's been teaching me how to drive too, I am still struggling on this aspect and probably a long way from being an accomplished driver but for such a nervous wreck like me, it's still a HUGE achievement. It's gonna be a slow and grueling process but I'm just glad I was able to will myself to do something I originally never wanted to do, actually swore that I wouldn't do but finally did or at least trying my best to :D
I discovered over the weekend that if I condition myself to do something, actually do it and not just ponder doing it, I will certainly achieve something. In my case, passing the driving exam. So now I have these goals that I want to meet before the year ends. I pray for strength and guidance, I am all psyched up and excited as well!
Hubby's been teaching me how to drive too, I am still struggling on this aspect and probably a long way from being an accomplished driver but for such a nervous wreck like me, it's still a HUGE achievement. It's gonna be a slow and grueling process but I'm just glad I was able to will myself to do something I originally never wanted to do, actually swore that I wouldn't do but finally did or at least trying my best to :D
Monday, May 16, 2011
Productive At Last!
kids' cabinet |
I had the most fruitful weekend ever. I was able to do some spring cleaning, took away all the small clothes and organized the clothes inside the cabinets, washed the jackets and hid all the winter stuff. Now I have a trash bag full of donations and a box of big clothes reserved for future use.
shared closet with hubby |
I was also able to review the driver's handbook, took me awhile but I got hooked reading, read it several times over, took the online tests and finally had the courage to go down to the licensing office to take the test which I passed!!! I am so happy with my little achievement this morning, not to mention relieved as well. I didn't mind flunking it but it was a huge bonus passing it anyway.
I guess I'm just lucky and the online tests were a huge help. I'm just in heaven right now, I can almost ignore the fact that my gums are still swollen from last Friday's wisdom teeth extraction. I really don't mind having good days like these :D
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Vanilla Cupcakes
My boy's request: CUPCAKES! I'm not a baker, but I made these easy vanilla cupcakes and frosted them with Betty Crocker French Vanilla frosting. I had fun, too bad Leila was sleeping already. I have a feeling she's going to have cupcakes for breakfast tomorrow while Lance will be having sweet dreams tonight :D
New WPs
The long and anxious wait is over, our new work permits have arrived last Wednesday. The rest of the week was a blur, reactivated our health cards, got new Social Insurance #s, updated school records, registered Lei for Pre-K and wisdom teeth extraction yesterday. What a week!
Hopefully (fingers crossed), our medical will be next then our PR. Patience, more patience and FAITH! Amidst the trials, I can't help but be thankful for all the blessings and the littlest things in front of me. In HIS time, on our OWN pace, all will be well, ultimate goals will be achieved. We may not be there yet, not even close but we are going to get there :D
Watching TLC's Extreme Couponing makes me want to do what those extreme couponers do. Imagine saving thousands of $$$ and paying less than 50-90 % of your actual bill? Amazing, isn't it? And their stock pile is another story, it's like having a grocery of your own at home. That part, I don't like. I don't need way too much stuff that I won't need for a month's use. It would be neat, yes, but why stock that much? Anyway, the savings are the part I like the most. Makes me wanna search for coupons online, print them out, put them in a binder and head out to the supermarket!
I do have coupons which I requested online but I haven't tried printing, I receive them mostly through the mail but my coupons are nothing compared to those extreme couponers. They do devote a whole lot of time couponing and some would even have trips to the dumpster to recover coupons, no wonder they're called extreme couponers. I wish I have the guts to be one :D
It's actually fun from the moment you get to choose the coupons, receive them in the mail then I let my son cut them out. He keeps asking why we need those so I start to lecture him about saving and hopefully he learns something. Then I look at the expiry dates before sorting them out. Yesterday, I got to bring them to the supermarket and we saved 10 CAD by using the coupons. It's not much but it's ok, wait until I become an extreme couponer!
Sausage Rolls Approved!
My son has this annoying attitude of complaining and whining when all his preferred food are gone from our pantry. It's as if he's not being being fed and he acts like he is a deprived and starved boy at home. Really annoying because he doesn't see the point that he has to eat some other kind of food which we do have but since he is a picky eater, that explains very much his attitude.
So for breakfast yesterday, I have to come up with something new and that would meet his approval. I told him I would make sausage rolls which my boy challenged of course. He'd challenge every suggestion I'd make with the usual whining and tantrums galore. But I kept myself busy in the kitchen making sausage rolls out of those ends of bread which I keep, canned sausage and marble cheese. They looked cute, any kid would have an interest to eat something like that and I was right, Lance finished them all!
BBQ and Some Fun in The Sun
Picnic! |
It has been a warm week and because of this, it's so nice to be out. The kids' bicycles, scooter, and other outdoor stuff are now out of the garage. Just waiting for a warmer temperature before I let them swim in their kiddie pool which I already inflated this morning. The kids love their time outside but would sometimes complain about how hot it is.
kids picnicking while daddy's cooking |
Everybody's tending to their lawns already, mowing and planting flowers. I love walking to school these days just watching all those pretty flowers and seeing everybody enjoy the sun, moms pushing babies on their strollers, children playing nonstop in the the playgrounds and simply because I've missed the SUN.
Grilled pork chop and Eggplant salad |
I haven't done any spring cleaning yet. All our winter jackets are still out and yes, there are still so much to do which I'd probably save until Lance's summer vacation :D
Monday, May 9, 2011
Surprisingly and Sinfully Yummy!
Rice surprise! My version of fried rice with salsa. |
Late one night, as he arrived from duty, hubby held this menu from Humpty's showing me their Arroz con Huevos which is basically a fried rice with salsa on top. He wanted something like that, I grumbled but I then set off to the kitchen and started preparing the ingredients. I put chorizo, turkey, bacon, scrambled egg and I mixed the salsa instead of putting it on top. It turned out great, the salsa gave it a twist making it more flavorful and it was so delicious I made another batch the next day.
I could eat this all day, sinfully yummy! |
And dessert was this to die for cream cheese buns from Klassy's. Yet another day of nothing but good food :D
Mom's Day Out
many thanks to Alex and Mac for the flowers |
How's your Mother's day celebration? Did you get breakfast in bed? A day at a spa? or a romantic date?
Chinese takeout for dinner |
I had an early one, it's not any of those I mentioned above but it was as good. While the kids were at our friend Jocelyn's house for a play date, hubby took me out shopping, then there was this delicious Japanese food to cap off my retail therapy. So on Mother's Day itself, I was faced with a mountain of clothes to fold and other chores. I guess there's no escaping the chores not even on this special day. No complaints, Moms gotta do what they gotta do no matter what day it is and that for me, is the essence of being a Mom, doing what they do best and for that, let us all give ourselves a pat on a back for being SUPER MOMS!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Spring Food Trip
Fresh from our BC weekend (not to mention tired too), with lots of unpacking and some other chores to accomplish, I only got the patience and time for quick meals. We had so much to eat during the weekend so it was understandable that the first few days since we got back, I didn't cook and just kept reheating the leftovers.
My Roast Turkey leg which turned out to be more like a Pulled Turkey was thrown into a vegetable salad the day after we got back. The Pork with Shrimp fry went into hubby's lunch and was reheated over again for dinner, the same thing happened to the Sweetened Cured Pork.
I only started to cook when all the leftovers were gone. We needed a break from all those heavy meals so I prepared some sandwiches but hubby's still turned out to be heavy as I filled it with bacon, a patty, egg, cheese, lettuce and tomato as requested.
For lunch, I experimented with the turkey breast seasoned it with salt, pepper, garlic powder, cayenne and some herbs before baking it for 2 hours while covered in foil. I sliced the cooked turkey breast, flavored the slices with some butter then baked them for a few more minutes before serving them with raspberry sauce and a milky gravy.
I love Spring! The weather is great, the sun is out, good food is just around the corner and they're in my kitchen :D
Happy Mother's Day!
I just attended my first Mother's Day Tea, with Lei in tow, we spent the afternoon watching Lance and his classmates perform various songs and the poems assigned to them. As if those cute presentations were not enough, the kids brought us back to their classroom and served us tea, cake and strawberries with whipped cream.
The kids also gave the moms flowers and pictures they drew. It was really sweet and it surely made my day. Lance not being shy throughout the presentation and his beautiful pictures are more than enough to make me a proud momma.
Being a mom may not be easy but it sure is the greatest and most fulfilling role ever. Happy Mother's day to my mom and to all the mothers out there!!!
BC Weekend
beautiful trees along the way |
We went on a road trip to British Columbia over the weekend. It was supposed to be a 5 hour drive but we stopped several times to check out some places and pose for some pictures. We reached Fairmont Hot Springs a little after 3pm, about 7 hours or so of traveling.
First on the agenda after checking in was to eat a very late lunch. We unpacked all our 'baon' and we ate to the point of discomfort. After that very heavy meal and having rested for awhile, it was time to go to the hot springs for a very relaxing dip. We stayed there for 2 hours before heading back to the cottage to prepare for our grilled food feast.
Once again, we were filled to the brim, not only with food but with laughter as well. Having stayed in one cottage allowed us to spend more time with our friends, gave us reason to stay up late and just really enjoy each others' company.
I woke up early and decided to cook breakfast before packing once again. Our one and only agenda for that day would be to drop by at Funtasia which was right in front of Fairmont Mountain Bungalows where we stayed for some fun time with the kids. We ended up riding the bump cars which are nowhere near the bump cars I used to ride when I was a kid. But yeah, it was still fun and quite an adventure, several hard bumps and a headache afterwards and I was still hoping it wasn't time to go home yet.
An overnight's stay is never enough but it felt good to be out no matter how challenging it is to travel with kids. But more than the fun and quality time spent, I'm just thankful that we all got home safe :D
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